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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sri Ganapathi Ni : Saurashtram : Thygaraja :

Sri Ganapathini 
(The song lyrics taken from :

raagam: Sowrashtram

17 sooryakaantam janya

Aa: S R1 G3 M1 P M1 D2 N3 S
Av: S N3 D2 N2 D2 P M1 G3 R1 S

taaLam: aadi

Language: Telugu

shrI gaNapatini sEvimpa rArE shrta mAnavulArA

vAgAdhipati su-pUjala cEkoni bAga natimpucu veDlina

panasa nArikElAdi jambU phalamula nAraginci ghana tarambagu mahipai padamulu
ghallu ghallana nunci anyamu hari caraNa yugamulanu hrdayAmbujamuna nunci
vinayamunanu tygarAja vinutuDu vividha gatula dittaLAngumani veDalina 

Tamil Version (As given in

ப. ஸ்ரீ கண பதினி ஸேவிம்ப ராரே
ஸ்ரித மானவுலாரா

அ. வாகதிபாதி ஸு-பூஜல சேகொனி
பாக நடிம்புசுனு வெடலின (ஸ்ரீ)

ச. பனஸ நாரிகேளாதி ஜம்பூ
கன தரம்புகனு மஹிபை பதமுலு
கல்லு கல்லனனுஞ்சி
அனயமு ஹரி சரண யுகமுலனு ஹ்ருத-
வினயமுனனு த்யாகராஜ வினுதுடு
விவித கதுல தித்தளாங்குமனி வெடலின (ஸ்ரீ)

This is a jolly good song from the saint. He is praising the Narthana Ganapathy who is dancing. And, Lord Ganapathy is dancing to the tunes of Thyagaraja!

Thyagaraja is asking us all to come and join the worship the Lord. "sevimpa rare" : come to worship. "Srita" : those who are devoted; who have "sraddha'. He is asking all those who are devoted to come and join the Ganathy worship.

What kind of Ganapathy are we going to worship?

He is the one who is worshiped by the husband of the God who is the God for words. "vAgAdhipati" : The Lord of the one who is the Lord of words. Saraswathy is the God of the words. She is the "adhipathi" of "Vak" - words. Brahma is her husband and hence "Vaghadhipati" is brahma. Ganapathy has accepted Brahma's worship. And, not only that of Brahma but also that of others. Having accepted the worships of all the Gods, Lord Ganapathy is beautifully dancing and proceeding. "Vedalina" : proceeding; "natimpuchunu" : dancing. Baga : very well. The saint Thyagaraja says that Ganapathy is going about, after accepting all the worships, with merry, by dancing around! You can almost visualise the dance. Next stanza, he adds the music to the dance specifically. 

This Ganapathy, who is praised by Thyagaraja is the one who has taken the prasads offered by all. He has eaten panasa : jack fruit; Narikela : Coconut; Jambu : berries etc fruits. He is placing his feet very heavily on the earth. And, that itself is creating a jingle like sound " ghallu ghallana". He also has the holy feet of Lord Vishnu in his lotus heart. And, having done that, praising Lord Vishnu, who is firmly in the lotus of his heart, he is dancing to the tune of " dittaLAngu".

A beautiful song indeed. 

Another beauty is how Thyagaraja describes Ganapathy. I have personally never come across any story which describes Lord Ganapathy to be doing "Hari" dhyana. Ganapathy is described as a happy being. As a God who has a 'prasanna vadhanam'. But, Thyagaraja, a Hari devotee, sees Hari and Vishnu and Rama everywhere. He says that even Ganapathy is having Vishnu in his heart. 

Some songs for you to listen to : 

The following are from Sri Ganapathinee - Balamurali Krishna Sri ganapathini  -TV Sankaranarayanan Sri ganapathini -Madurai Somu

Do check out the blog : for absolutely fantastic set of Thyagaraja songs and their tamil meanings. Great effort. 

Some Youtube songs :

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely translated. My children were referring to your translation when they were learning this Krithi. Thank you very much.
